Friday, September 22, 2006

for umerika :)

Here you go!

This is your porch...betcha didn't think you'd EVER have a dog that would sit and STAY did ya?!

I'd like a "holy crap" from the peanut gallery,,wait, I mean the tree house please...and I think I need some kind of spidey sense holla for pulling off the snaps in BROAD DAYLIGHT and not getting apprehended.

(Nice use of superhero slang, I know!)

Tell me you're not speechless!

hugs and love!

1 comment:

e said...

holy SHIT!
can i say that?!?!?!?
omg...that is the best.
and you soooo get mad props for pulling that off ;)
HAHA! oooh crap....that is so funny...and soooo bad.