Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good Things Saturday...a day late

Looking back on the week that was:

*I love my iPod.
*I love that music was fantastic when I was in High School (circa that giving away too much?!)
*I like going to the gym because...3 day work weeks are fabulous and WHOA stressful
*I obsessed on new nameplates for my Kinders and created something nothing sort of a masterpiece! Won't THEY be surprised on Monday when they come into class?!
*You can tell your family you want little (if anything) to do with them AND still love them
*christmas trees come down faster than they go up. Now, what to do with the huge empty space in the living room? Hmm...I smell new decorating project or two...
*oil changes DO make cars run better..particularly on the Autobahn
*McDonald's does indeed make the best fries...even in Germany
*The Apotheke is so handy-fabulous, fabulous, fabulous. I love that I can go there and get exactly what will do the trick when "Heuschnupfenallergien*" takes over Team Leader's head AND they always give you fun little samples of neat little things. I love neat little things.
* "Heuschnupfenallergien" is the biggest word in the world for something everyone experiences: HAY FEVER
*ex-pat blogger buddies clue you in on the things that make "heuschnupfenallergien" happen: Hazelnut and Alder Trees in early bloom
*Skype rocks. Being able to talk to parents, family, friends, and family that you make when they spend a semester in Florence...a really good thing!
*FINALLY, hearing that your beloved Daddy has made a step, an elliptical step, in the right direction...nothing in the world will beat that folks.

A year and a half ago, my sister in law took her health into her own hands and lost over 100 pounds. By doing so she gave our family years; years of future time to share with her, for which we are all grateful, and remain inspired by her determination to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
SHE is the person I keep referring to when I work to muster motivation in my Dad.
The past decade has been brutal for our family, but together, WE have survived.
More important, Daddy, has survived.
He worked out for 5 minutes for the first time yesterday. My sister in law told me that her first 5 minutes on the treadmill almost killed her...but she didn't give up and now she literally runs marathons.

Daddy, I know how hard this is for you.
We push you because we want you to stay.
We push you because we need you to stay.
It's 100% personal.
"Your work here isn't done."
Don't forget that.
Make that your motivation to make 5 minutes become 6, and so on, and so on...
I love you-I'm so proud of you-YOU CAN DO THIS!

the week that was ladies and gentlemen!
umarmen und lieben

1 comment:

gabbyfek said...

awwwww, essie!
i love this post.
you make me smile. and i'm so happy for your dad! that's super exciting...
and you make me giggle oh so much when you think coley-o baby is babyfek! i would love a baby as gorgeous as he was-- but maybe not at the weight he is in those pictures... hee!