Saturday, October 14, 2006

Today there will be record blog-madness!

Preston had NO CLUE about the surprise pizza dinner and seeing Laura and Kellen, who brought Erica, ex girlfriend of his best friend Luke! It was excellent! I'll let the snaps speak for themselves...

Preston and Laura have known each other since they were 3-it's an awesome friendship, and I'm very appreciative of Laura's mother Catherine who has also supported hours of travel in order for them to see one another!
Kellen came to us through Laura-another cutie patootie, whose mother also gets mad props for allowing a friendship to grow!

("Rock on" is Ben's contribution to Preston taking a photo with 2 girls!)

And, could we love Pres and Luke ANY MORE?!!!
no. nope. no way, no how.

As we left, Pres said to me:
"Mom, that was sneaky and underhanded and I will get you back one day, but it was cool, very , very cool."
And my heart exploded

1 comment:

e said...

ok, two things.
jared is still a little in shock here...all the hot chicks...
er...mayhaps jealousy is a better word ....heehee...
"is that preston??!?!?!?"
and favorite line from jack...."Ah...and dare is ben wif da chicken pox"...
because you realize...he still has those..right?!?!?!