Saturday, October 14, 2006

How do you know who your friends are?

We took Sierra from school and kept her for a wonderful weekend-Cooper arrived late Saturday afternoon for a sleepover with Ben, his "brother from another mother" as Angus was so informed!

The girls were fab-they are just fab-as the pictures will show:

I love these 2 children, and I love my girl
"Tie-Lee!" (Tell your momma that I'm saying it RIGHT, just don't let her know I'm not spelling it right!)

In the car going to dinner, this was the conversation between Ben and Cooper

Ben: Cooper, do you miss me?

Cooper: Oh yes!

Ben: Is 1st grade fun without me?

Cooper: NO. I don't like it without you.

Ben: Why?

Cooper: Because you not being there, makes me Bensick...

Ben: I miss you too...

OMG-OMS-OML-MM (that's "oh my stars", "oh my lands", and "mercy me") did Cooper just say he was BENSICK and am I driving the car CRYING now?!

Why yes.

I am.

The friendship these 2 little munchkins have makes my heart SING and cry because I wish we were closer...

But, we aren't, and my entire point is my kids have friends who have gone from Virginia to North Carolina back to Virginia and that is how they know who their friends are-distance changes nothing! Real friends travel with you-they are in your heart, your head, and shape who you become...HUGS and LOVE to you all! essie

1 comment:

e said...

Real friends travel with you-they are in your heart, your head, and shape who you become...
how true.
how i loved this HUGE-mugous post...
how i can't wait to see you...
and give you a big ol'hug..