Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Best phone call-holy mess-answer to a prayer, maybe, yes!

Oh my heart!
I am a person who has met and made some wonderful, amazing, and simply fabulous friends.
I know how lucky I am.
Some people are fortunate enough to have one person to count on, I've got more than my fair share-I know how lucky I am.

I miss you girls...boy, do I miss you!
Our little posse of 12, we were great.

I know that getting to Rockfish was nothing short of a miracle, but what happened next...well, it was a once in a lifetime year.

This little video is for all of have pause the Crazy Dancing frog before you listen to Celine, because (like all the brainiacs in Room 13trying to turn ON the speaker phone,) I don't know how to make this work any other way!

BTW: Vaughn, Carter, PULEEZE-get your mess together and get on Skype so we can conference call with Rockfish!!

Mulvey, you can tease me for the Celine song later-remember, I've got your back WTF, OVER! And, for the record, I'm not taking the Crazy Frog off because Norah likes dancing to it, and what Norah likes, Norah gets!

(Besides, she's waking Skarie up at "o-dark-thirty" and they need something to keep the momentum going!)

umarmen und lieben,
ps-Watkins, you are SOO SOO right...after the hour we were on the phone, Skarie's kids would have spent all that time coloring...hee hee!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Harrison you know I love you. You, and the Rockfish team, were exactly what I needed last year and I am so glad to know each and everyone of you. I truly feel that God puts people in your life for a purpose and you are definately one of them! I truly needed to read this tonight. Thank you so much! OH-email me about Skype. I am Skype ignorant.