Thursday, November 29, 2007

Live well, laugh often, love much.

Over here in Germany, I've quickly learned how to "live well."
I didn't take much, just a trans-atlantic time difference, and some cultural things to acclimate to, but it wasn't that tough.
"Laughing often"... not so tough either, particularly when you've got friends who post photos like this for you to crack up over!

"Loving much..."'s the one that gets me every time.
I do.
I love much, and sometimes I feel like I'm going to burst as consequence.
I love my family much.
I love my friends much.
I love my friends families much.
That's a whole lot of love.
And...with all the love of people and things, I had to post today that I just love this babyHe doesn't know me the way I'd like for him to-distance is a stink of a dictator...

He and his parents celebrated some pretty tremendous milestones last month.
They are fabulously terrific people who deserve a lifetime of loving this baby.
You know what, they get that, they get to live, love, and laugh with him.
They will get to live with him through his challenges and his triumphs.
They will get to love him when he is sleeping (no pun there La)looking and thinking "wow."
They will get to laugh in new discovery with him.
They get HIM.
And he...he gets them!

I don't know who to thank for their tremendous gift, all I can do is say thank you, and then send all my hugs and love long distance to the three of them.
Congratulations Angels!
"Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much!"

umarmen und lieben

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