Monday, September 24, 2007

Well, nothing beats a Monday, folks!

(Side bar: This is my 101st post-yay me!)

It is also the end of my first day here at Patrick Henry Elementary...LOVED it!
I have a "runner" though, so, that means that whoa cute comfy flats are in order
AND maybe a few pairs of whoa yikes pointy flats to keep her in line!
(Just joking-really-that's for VA folks!)

Wahoo, you're right, there is no school anywhere near as great as the one that let us share a magic door with dancing beads...BUT the SPED resources are top notch, and the programming is wonderfully appropriate. I love that-making learning wonderfully appropriate-what a great freakin job!
Not having to deal with report cards or conferences...HUGE bonus for the time being,
PLUS, I get to walk home for lunch!!

Finally after 16 years,

Two big yippee-ki-yays: the music teacher said that today had been the most receptive day in TWO years with my runner/student and my principal asked me to do an inservice in two weeks!
Today must have been about twos...

No "deer in the headlights" reaction this year.
I miss my 1st grade buddies, and my K-1 feel the love girlfriends...but today, I got to sit with SPED at our faculty meeting!
How cool is that?!

umarmen und lieben

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