just woke up-haven't even had coffee-knew I had to blog b/c I woke up to Britney Spears' new song "Womanizer" racing through my head.
WHAT is that about?
so today's post is about other people waking up-
without coffee-
without britney songs dancing through their heads-
waking up, back at home in germany, rather than Iraq or Afghanistan.
yesterday a company returned to mannheim from a 15 month of tour of duty.
i had a few kinder out of school, because daddy was back.
daddy was back!
driving off post yesterday the entrance gates were COVERED with welcome signs.
some were funny, with funny family photos, funny greeings-funny.
some were serious, with serious photos, serious words-serious.
some made absolutely no sense at all...to anyone, that is, except the recipient.
a few were heartbreakingly full of love, loss, angst over time that was gone.
one struck me-hard.
all it said was "-----, in a few minutes, you'll be back in my arms"
when i saw it i started to cry.
it's very hard to explain this life to my civilian friends.
they do a wonderful job of laughing away the "essie-crazy" of my life, and listening to me complain about one thing or another...most of them can read my morning face and tell if team leader and i are "in a fight!"
but this life-my life-they've all said, at one time or another, that they don't get it and wouldn't want it.
which i understand.
as i have said many times
it isn't for everyone.
imagine your a husband or wife leaving for a 15 month business trip that could kill him or her...it's unfathomable, really it is...just friggen nuts.
you don't get to see them for at least 7 months, and when you do, it's for 2 weeks.
phone calls, emails, they're nice and all, but it's not the same as having someone you love
not the same.
this isn't a "whoa feel sorry for us" post
i know that i married a soldier, "not the mailman" as I often joke
but for today, on my blog, because i can
not a sermon, just a thought...
for your significant other, today,
wrap them in your arms and TELL them that you love them
saying with meaning and intensity
look them in the eye and whisper
"i love you"
because for every daddy that came home, somewhere there is a family that didn't get a reunion-
daddy, uncle, son, brother will not be coming home.
**side note: i just read in our morning news that 15 soliders died from this company.
please say a small prayer for their survivors, as this weekend will be particularly difficult for them, the deceased brothers-in-arms, and their commanders.**
my dear friend leah emailed the horrifying news 2 months ago that a 5th grade teacher at my school in NC had been informed that her husband had been killed overseas.
the word now, is that no one really talks about it at school...what can you say?
there isn't much.
so do it.
say i love you and mean it, no matter what kind of day you end up having
you won't regret how it started
be thankful for the daily rituals that may drive you crazy
be thankful for the person who
be thankful and say so.
it's time for coffee.
umarmen und lieben
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