Thursday, September 17, 2009

no 248. what a difference a life makes...

a year ago, part of my heart left me-
left me for places unknown
left me for places uncertain
left me.

it has been a year frought with questions
questions without answers.

it has been a year of work
work without joy.

many mornings, i would drive to school, heavy thoughts filling the corners of my mind-
so much worry.
few mornings, i would drive to school, heavy rain filling the corners of the sky-
parting, ever so slightly,
pausing to let the sun shine through
in a heavy moment, a rainbow would appear...

my mother in law once said that rainbows were G-d's promise to mankind.

i have never forgotten that-even remember where we were when she said it-
G-d's promise...

the afternoon i got the call, it rained.
the afternoon i got the call, a rainbow appeared.
now, in my humble mind, i imagine that part of my heart-Dulce Maria somewhere beautiful, painting rainbows with G-d.
it makes me smile and give thanks for every one that i see.

so tonight, on the eve, it was Open House at my school.
i was SO SO SO tired; it had been a very long day, and the hour to close up shop was just about to ring, when
one last family came in to say hello.

this family is a new family,
this child is a new child,
has begun filling the empty place in my heart.

he is naughty, mischievious, whimsical, silly, sweet, good, kind,
did i mention naughty?!
his parents are both active duty, and, to tell them Open House was over-
it wasn't going to happen.
i spoke with his momma,
i spoke with his baby,
i spoke to his little brother -who- tried to feed my wall with a tub full of counters.
he made a mess, a mess that will wait until tomorrow to be cleaned.

it was what he did as he left that stopped me in my tracks...
as this child left with his family, a chorus of goodbyes filled the hallway, and ringing loudest of all was the little brother

"BYE H!"

you were there tonight, weren't you?!
some people might reflect on time passing...what a difference a year makes.
we see the difference a LIFE can make.

it was my blessing in life to know her, and, my priviledge to be her teacher...

umarmen und lieben DW

1 comment:

e said...

you made me cry.
not cool.