Thursday, October 09, 2008

fifteen is MY life

he's up there in that thing the germans call an amusement ride...
(it had 4 bars of seats, making a square, riders sat so they could see the terror on one another's faces...or the faces of their PARENTS who were safely on the ground.)

and here, he's swinging DOWN, (I am not in the photo because I am having a heart attack and Team Leader, Doodle Bug and Benzilla are calming me down with wine...a big big glass of wine.)

holy mess.
someone get me my drink.
my big, tall drink...I love that part of German amusement parks.
umarmen und lieben

1 comment:

e said...

a. hell no would i ride that mess. i'd be drinking wine with you momma.

b. pres looks SO old. waaaa....does that mean WE're old?!?

c. is that the caramel cake? i might need that cake. now.

d. i spy with my little eye your "blessed" blocks. i have mine in the kitchen. they make me think of you.
