Monday, May 10, 2010

no 318 ex-pat help!

alrighty my fellow ex-pats:

i have a family who is getting ready to possibly make the move from the states to Switzerland, making my momma pal a bit of a whirling dirvish, which is sometimes not such a good thing...

we've all been here,
stuck in the moment
"really?!! this is going to happen?!!" and
which is why i am calling on you.

"momma duck" has many questions that (thanks to the military) i don't have the answers to...things like housing on the economy, international schools, compensation packages, etc. and
i would
more than anything to be able to give her the answers so she can catch her breath.

any suggestions, guys?
what types of questions should she and "poppa duck" be asking the bosses?
umarmen und lieben

1 comment:

e said...

what happened to your last post?
i'm so confused.
just wanted to say I love you...
and you can't make everyone happy.
trust me.
I soooooooo miss you.