Friday, January 23, 2009

no. 209 what is it about friendship

somtimes everyone needs a time out
not just the littles, but everyone, including us bigs...

this week i found myself up to my eyeballs in a situation where i put myself
in time out
hands up in the air,
i walked away.

and though i've tried not to, i've been thinking about it
walking away
my feelings regarding
the beginning,
the middle,
and the end
of all this mess...

how did it get to this?
are we not adults?
when did the past become the present?
and the present become a future in time out?

sadly there aren't too many answers when you're in the middle of a one sided conversation
and since i created the time out, i guess it's here to stay for a bit, my choice.

i can't be any more of the person that i am.
i wake up
start each day with promise and hope
work hard
with all my might
and when the day is done
i'm happy.
happy as can be.
my life is good.
my life is full.

i can't make someone happy who hasn't been happy.
and i can't change the past.

it is what it is
it is what it is

time out.

hope and virtue
umarmen und lieben


e said...

oh dear.
I need an email.
or we need drinks.
or both.
perhaps simultaneously...
I am a firm believer in time out.
I also am a firm believer in kicking my neighbor-momma-dramas a**...but that's just me.
I love you.
you are happy. and your life is full and oh so good.

Diane Mandy said...

It's hard to walk away, but sometimes it is necessary. You'll know when and if it is time.