this post is for you-
because i could
really i could leave a message on every post that your blog shares
you are such a wonderful wifey
you are such a marvelous momma
you are such a spectacular sister
you are such a fantastic friend...
i know right now you're blushing, laughing, and saying
"aaawwww essie-cakes, you are such a silly mess"
I can hear your voice in my head!
you ARE all these things, and so much more, gabness you truly are.
the memories you are working on making with your littles
the sleep you are losing because tamales and peppermint playdoh are callin
the grey along max's snout
the half smiles of your face (b/c a precious cherub has more photo space)
the look of complete satisfaction on mr. mike
you've accomplished this all
you have it good baby girl, i'm so proud of you!
G-d bless you this holiday and every day
with all my love
1 comment:
you know how to make a girl cry on Christmas eve, sweet sweet essie. this means the world to me coming from you because i know how fully you understand the struggles and the balancing. i love you with all my heart. thank you for being amazing. xoxoxoxo.
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