Saturday, June 26, 2010

no a

it's official...our summer travel adventure has begun!
we're sitting tight in our hotel room right now, heading over to the terminal in a few hours to see what the stars have in store for our traveling wilbury family!

no matter what, it looks like some family in VA will have to drive a few hours to pick us up-the joys of living in the woods!
just remember, if you hit traffic on the highway, we've already traveled 6000 miles to get back to ya...i'm just sayin...

we promise to keep ya'll posted as it is always an adventure
when your tickets are
(SCHAweeet deal, minus all the wait and see pudding when you have a large family and full fares are as ridiculously high as they currently stand)
cross those fingers and toesies, we're trying trying trying!!
umarmen und lieben

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