Sunday, June 14, 2009

no. 230 more doodle love!

no pics yet-
i know that's REALLY why my 2 loyal readers come here...for the fabbo photo ops.
again sorry.

they are coming-promise.

doodle bug love continues
as she was chosen as
for the softball tournament!!!
(her team came in 3rd overall, and considering that she didn't know you were allowed to steal bases when she played her first game EVER in April, is a pretty sweet deal!)
oh my stars!
that super duper girlie-o of ours...
she is on a roll
and she deserves the accolades!

side bar:
back to school tomorrow for the training before summer school starts.
HOW did i end up on THIS train?!
trying VERY hard to wrap myself around the positive as i drive friends to the airport for their summer in the states.
no trips over for us.

thinking about rainbows and ponies right now
rainbows and ponies...
kisses and wishes,
hope and virtue,
umarmen und lieben

1 comment:

e said...

oh yes rainbows and ponies and no broken stupid effing computers.
sorry you aren't coming over here...esp. sorry its not to
Arkansas, although i'm sure you're not losing much sleep over that one.
you will have a wonderful summer there. i know it.
and dollie ...hello?!?
you are on a roll w/ the goodness!
way to go girlfriend. wish we could have watched a game or two, or twenty.
love and kisses.
we miss you guys.