Monday, October 08, 2007

"A long time ago..we used to be friends..."

I blame Gabby for the 4 day weekend Team Leader and I spent watching the first 2 seasons of one of the BEST SHOWS EVER:


um...gabby...we didn't feed our kids, they finally just plopped down in front of the tv. (I guess if you can't beat 'em and they won't feed you, then join 'em!) This show ROCKED and I can't believe it was cancelled!

witty, smart, funny writing
witty, smart-ass, funny Veronica
wicked, smartie, we LOVE Logan often do you find yourself rooting for the Biker Gangbanger?!!
and how cute is Enrico, playing a great Daddy to our favorite modern-day Nancy Drew!

Gabby, we are waving our tv freak flag way too loud and strong right now, but wow
it was fun! I had way too many favorite lines to quote, but the one that got me laughing off my behiney...

Logan: "Take it easy, Jump Street!"

Probably Disc 4 Season 1.
Not sure though
we watched 12 discs!!!
It's official.
We're way too scary, and are whoa big fans!

thanks a lot!
umarmen und lieben


J said...

HI Essie,

Sorry to crash your thread, but would you please have a look at the Meet-Up thread.

I'm working on hotel info and need to know how many nights you'll be staying (if you're going) and what time (and day) you think you'll be arriving. You can either post it on there or email it to me. Also, having your email addy would be helpful.

gabbyfek said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am SO SO SO happy to hear this!!!!!
but it tugs at my heart b/c there is no season 4. sniffle sniffle.
i hope you are loving every minute of it. i did!