So...I've learned that while the countryside here is amazingly beautiful, I really miss the ease of having a wifi home!!
Talk about being spoiled.
You know you are, spoiled that is, when you have to drive into town to use the library to actually update your blog.
Settling into old family patterns happens when we all get together.
We're all together.
This is a small house when 10 people, 7 dogs, 5 cats, and a bird are the occupants.
I'm starting to say my "see ya's" and I'm very conflicted...happy and excited for something very new, but painfully aware that life will pass on after we go.
I'll miss moments with special, special, people-yes, my family included-and no matter what fantastic correspondents we all become, we can't stop time.
SO-for today, whether we talk or not,
hugs and so much love to all