So I unloaded my UMPH onto cyber space, for which I am hopeful that cyper-karma gods don't zap me with lightning bolts, but will take the punishment if it means I don't have to put up with the CONSTANT stream of unneccessary crap-ola that is daily life in the ridiculous state of mind otherwise known as NORTH CAROLINA!
I got my class Monday afternoon.
See munchkins below.
THEY, are sweet, and I like them VERY much.
WE stay in our room and dance, paint, and sing our way through the school day...and stupid Cumberland County's lame ass curriculum.
THAT makes me happy.
Next week we'll begin my lame ass attempt at dealing with my job description and what it requires of me...even though my newly issued NC license says that I only have a Bachelor's Degree.
You read right-apparently I only have a bachelor's degree...I guess the two years I spent busting MY ass immediately after Dollie was born-that was a figment of my imagination.
I'm officially over it. And I most likely burnedthe last bridge I had remaining, when I called the Licensure Lady I've been forced to deal with since August (remember that call Ave...) and left a message on her machine (in a clipped esther is pissed tone) that said:
"This is unacceptable. After everything I've been through with this county, this must be resolved immediately."
I'm thinking it will be 2007 before that happens.
For now, I'm replaying this song, SO frequently that all 3 Harrison children are over it too...they just don't know the power Eadie, do they?! Quick question, do you think I can get away with playing this song at school...hmmm...bwa ha ha!
FYI, North Carolina isn't an Inclusion State. According to the info I got today, when I asked why a new child with 30 hours didn;t have a PDA...there ARE NO PDA's here...
"[they] just aren't there yet. It's happening now, but it will be a while before those children are in our schools." (Yes, there is a school 30 miles away and another school actually in Fayetteville where all the fantastic kiddos are shipped and housed. FOR REAL)
So next quick question-when Public Law was passed North Carolina wasn't a state yet, RIGHT?!!
Rahn, Eadie, Wahoo, Tie-lee: help. help. help.
It can't just be me, can it?
And before I go- a shout out to my peeps who pulled off the election of the century, and perhaps will put the debacle of No Child Left Behind, BEHIND us!