Monday, February 04, 2008

Don't read this post if you didn't watch the Superbowl!

The NY Giants won the superbowl in the last 40 seconds of the game-good for them!
Not so good, for the NE Patriots, who didn', that is.

I only root for the Redskins, as many of you already know, so this superbowl (like many prior) really wasn't that important to me. I know that one day my guys will make it to the big time again, and then the entire sporting world will know what I already know; that sometimes it takes all the heart in the world to prove your might, and that if you continue to believe, anything is possible.
Even a superbowl win by the Washington Redskins!
I guess I'm an optimist...worked for Boston Red Sox fans, right?!

Went to the second block of the month for my Eurotrippen Quilt (*kudos to B for always making me smile when I read her blog, and say the name of my quilt).
Had a BLAST but have an entire section of the block yet to finish-this one was an ass kicker, so snaps will go up when it's done...hopefully on Thursday

Had a meeting in Heidelberg today, so no teaching of the kinders, and b/c I'm becoming more OCD by the minute made a late night trip to my classroom last night JUST to make sure all was in order for their first day without "Mrs. H." I haven't heard screams yet, and the school day ended over 2 hours ago so I'm thinking it's okay to go back tomorrow.

Got to wear my new puma purple suede boots today-they rocked, and I love them!Probably so not the fashion ideal for many folks, but they work for me, and at 60euro from 120euro, I thought it was a bargain "must have."

not much more to say...just felt the need to blog...

umarmen und lieben all!

1 comment:

e said...

my computer i haven't been online much at all...
i MISS you.
going to catch up :)